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10:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Preaching
6:00pm - Bible Study
7:00pm - Bible Study
The morning services are in the auditorium.
The evening services are in the fellowship hall.
Each of the services are 1 hour long.
There is not a not a specific dress code. Please seek to glorify God in your body and in your spirit (1 Corinthians 6:20).
We will not call upon visitors to publicly read or pray aloud.
A nursery is available for those that wish to use it.
Pastor Hudson uses both topical and expository messages.  Pastor Hudson preaches a different message at each of the services.  Each one of our services are an opportunity to learn the Word of God.  You are welcome to come to one or to all of them.  After the services, Pastor Hudson is available to answer questions.
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